Monash University

ICA was selected through an RFT process to develop an identity management Roadmap for the University to migrate from the current maturity level of 2.5 to an integrated level of 4 (on a 5- level maturity index). The project involved a mixture of key-person interviews, workshops and working group presentations.

The first step was to generate an Environmental scan that was used to defined the scope of the project, all directories (six in total) were included and agreement was reached on a core-set of applications to be included in the identity management environment considerations.

The second step was to conduct a series of workshops that investigated the use of identity data and documented the desired operation of the identity management environment.

The final step of the project was the generation of the Roadmap document which was presented to management with a defence of the recommendations at a Steering Committee meeting.

The Roadmap recommended:

  • Acceptance of a policy statement to mandate the use of the identity management
  • Environment within the faculties
  • Upgrade of the current directory environment to current version
  • Commercial off-the-shelf provisioning tools tied into the directory infrastructure and HR system
  • Role-engineering exercise to define access rights within the University
  • development of a fine-grained access control mechanism for future adoption of entitlement management.